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say it with crystal

this is about me, my days, my thoughts and my bead jewelry work. Some postings are in indonesian, and some are in english.

Montag, Juni 21, 2004

great piece ended up as decoration ..:-(

Hi, Just want to share about one of my work.
I made this piece long time ago. It was one of my advance (from my beginning period), using more than 100 biconic swarovski crystal and swarovski pearls, and silver plated wire, with hand made clasp also from silver plated wire. I made only 2 pieces, 1 in this green and others in blue, which i sent to my partner in Jakarta.

Some people came and asked about the price. But they never came back. :-(
Too expensive I supposed, for an un-named jeweler like me. How shamed!!
So, after 2 years in my drawer, waiting to be purchased, today I put this piece into its last designation, on my walls, in my hall. Greeting and waiting to be admired through the glass, from my house guest...:-).

Life is still beautiful, isn'it?


Sonntag, Juni 20, 2004

My Gallery

Freitag, Juni 18, 2004

indiePerle jewelry

indiePerle jewelry
This is my Jakarta base jewelry design web site. I and 2 best buddies from Uni ran it since 3 years ago. Feel free to surf, you might find something you're looking for...:-)


the first time is the hardest....

Terus terang, gue bingung mau nulis apa disini...:-)
Tapi seperti juga orang udah paham, the first time is the hardest. So here it is...

Gue Mia, ibu dari 2 bocah lucu dan 'gak bisa diem'. Udah 6 tahun terakhir gue tinggal di Ingolstadt, Jerman, ngikut suami yang kerja disini. Kegiatan sehari-hari selain ngurus rumah dan anak-anak, ngembangin kecintaan gue sama asesori, terutama bead asesori. Beberapa model bikinan gue bisa di liat di, site ini adalah site usaha gue di Jakarta, join sama teman gue, sementara sekarang ini gue masih mendekorasi web pribadi gue, di, yang sampai saat ini belum selesai, karena gue masih sibuk pindahan rumah.

Bicara soal pindahan rumah, apartment gue yang sekarang ini ada kebunnya. Gak gede sich, tapi lumayanlah, buat nambah ilmu perkebunan dan pertamanan. Berhubung ini kebun pertama gue, jadi gue lagi senang2nya berkebun. Jadi mungkin gue juga akan share gambar bunga di kebun gue...mudah2an pada gak bosen ya...:-)

Tujuan gue bikin blogg ini pada awalnya dan dasarnya untuk mendisplay karya2 asesori gue, dimana teman-teman gue bisa kasih komentar dan ide membangun, biar gue bisa punya pandangan dan ide lebih luas. So, guys, feel free to give your comment. YOur comment is expected! :-)

SO, segini dulu. Gotta go now, Thanks for droping by..
